At Good Shepherd, We value....

Good Shepherd values all aspects of God's plan, commands, and calling on our lives. 

We also believe it worthwhile to explore and specifically name the core values we hold as a unique body within His Kingdom. 

Our pastoral staff and a team of strategic planners prayerfully identified the values which form the heart of Good Shepherd. 

  • Biblical Transformation:  We value learning and applying God's Word to our lives.
  • Worship:  We value giving glory to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and celebrating the great and wonderful things God has done.
  • Prayer:  We value bringing our joys, burdens, and requests to God and listening for His voice.
  • Community of Faith:  We value journeying together as a family of believers who help each other grow in the image of God.
  • Mobilization:  We value equipping each person's call to be sent as missionaries to their own geographical and social communities.
  • Service:  We value using the gifts God has entrusted to each of us for the benefit of His Church and the least, the last, and the lost.
  • Grace:  We value receiving God's undeserved grace and extending that grace to one another as we have all fallen short of the glory of God.